4 Day workshop
February 18,19,20,21, 2021 (4) Days
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
Hours: 11:00 a.m.-5:15 p.m.
Lunch 1:30-2:15 p.m.
Email registration form and pay online or by cashiers check.
BACAA Steven Assael Registration
Steve will discuss both an analytical and emotive approach to drawing and painting the human portrait with an emphasis on color and value relationships in a related atmosphere. The class will consist of a single long pose in both cool and warm light. The development of form through an observation and interpretation of plane shifts projecting and receding from the eye will be stressed. Aspects of anatomy, proportion and movement will be discussed along with the development of a structured drawing and Alla Prima technique which involves both scumbling and glazing. The course will involve lectures, demo’s and critiques on a daily basis.
Hours: 11:00 a.m.-5:15 p.m.Lunch 1:30-2:15 p.m.
Cost: $780.00 workshop 4 day workshop
Workshop Hours: 10:45-5:00 p.m.
TBA 2 Public Night Demos
All tuition fees are non refundable and non transferable
Registration form/Terms and conditions must be completed and agreed to, or signed prior and emailed prior to attendance
Pay by Cashiers Check, Bank Bill Pay, Credit Card, or PayPal
We do not accept Personal Checks.
We do not accept cash.
Partial Payments are not accepted.
BACAA Steven Assael Registration
Registration form must be signed and emailed upon making the payment.
By signing the application form you are agreeing to the BACAA Terms and Conditions.
Email registration form and pay online or via check.
All tuition fees are non refundable and non transferable
Partial Payments not accepted. All registration fees are non refundable and non transferable
We do not accept cash.
Please send checks and packets to the BACAA BUSINESS ADDRESS:
969 G Edgewater Blvd
Foster City, CA 94404
345 Quarry Rd
San Carlos, CA 94070
Contact: info@bacaa.org

Steve will discuss both an analytical and emotive approach to painting the human figure with an emphasis on color and value relationships in a related atmosphere. The class will consist of a single long pose in both cool and warm light. The development of form through an observation and interpretation of plane shifts projecting and receding from the eye will be stressed. Aspects of anatomy, proportion and movement will be discussed along with the development of an Alla Prima technique which involves both scumbling and glazing. The course will involve lectures, demo’s and critiques on a daily basis.